
My wild summer

Today I am sitting here taking some time to write. It has been a long time since I had time to write. In the past three months I have traveled to and from our home in Wyoming twice. Plus we have had some pet and human health issues to deal with as well.

Dustyn had lots of fun with my Mom and Dad’s puppies while we were in Wyoming.

First, the trips to Wyoming that we took this summer. In late May the kids and I headed to back to the house. That is 1200 miles (1931 kilometers) one way. If that was not enough, while there we had to clean and declutter. I hauled two trailers full of junk to the garbage dump and had a large yard sale. I was so thankful for the help from my parents. They drove all the way out from Michigan to help me. After a month in Wyoming I finally got to go home. As I’ve said before, home is not a house, home is where my family is. Brad was still in Texas.

While the kids were away in Colorado, Jewels got really spoiled.

Our kids decided to stay with friends of ours in Colorado. So from late June until the end of July Brad and I had no children at home. It was wonderful. No stress, no busyness, no noise. The entire time they were gone, I missed them so much. It was nice to have the alone time though.

Jewels missed her kids and couldn’t wait to get on the road again to Wyoming.

At the end of July, I headed north again to get the kids and prepare the house for winter. (I needed to turn the water off and empty the pipes.) Miss Daniella also had to take her driving test. As soon as she passed the test we packed up the car and headed south again. I was so tired of cross country road trips, I couldn’t wait to get this one done. We were back home the first week of August.

See also  Texas State Aquarium

We went deep sea fishing and I didn’t catch any keepers, but I didn’t get seasick either. 😉

The first weekend in August Brad and I went on a deep sea fishing trip with some of our friends. Our friend rented a  house for the weekend near Port Aransas. The kids went with us and babysat our friend’s toddlers while the adults were out on the water. We only took a four hour trip. It was way too expensive for us to book a longer trip than that and I think some of our group were thankful for that. I think at least 50% of us got seasick. (not I.) I caught several fish. I caught three red snappers, a couple spade fish and a fish that the deckhand told me was a junk fish. I had one spade fish that was almost a keeper, but they all were too small and had to be thrown back. It was so neat at the end of the trip to pull up my line and watch the spade fish swirl around the hook and bait. At this point I had only a few minutes left and I knew I would not catch a keeper so I just sat with my friend and watched them swim and nibble. As a group we ended up with five fish so we stopped at a fish market and the grocery store on the way home and bought the supplies to make a really good fish fry. Brad is really good at frying fish. It was a fun, yet exhausting weekend. I can’t wait to go again.

It has been two years since our golden retriever Cindy passed away. We have had some time to heal from that loss and I have had my heart set on a Mini Australian Shepherd. I have been watching online for months for just the right girl, and I found her. She has just opened her eyes this past week and is already moving around outside of her whelping box. The breeder has been really good at keeping us updated on her progress. We can’t wait to introduce Jewels and Giddy to their new little sister. Speaking of Giddy…………..

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A couple weeks ago Gideon and Jewels had a vet check up and their rabies vaccines. Other than the fact that they both need teeth cleanings and Giddy is in need of a reduction in weight, they both received a clean bill of health. Last week Giddy started exhibiting signs of a urinary tract infection. I called the vet and she wanted me to rush him into the hospital. I found out, rather quickly, that it was a much more serious situation. He had a urinary blockage which required a catheter, and IV and three days and nights in the hospital. $1600 later he is home and recovering nicely. We weren’t thrilled with that big of a bill, but we couldn’t see putting a 3 year old cat down for something that could be successfully cured. Having our pets around and healthy is worth the sacrifice. He now has a few shaved patches of fur and a new fairly expensive cat food, and a strict diet to bring his weight down so he is not at risk for this again.

Last but not least, My sister and three of her kids have come to visit for the last couple days. She lives in Michigan and I don’t get to see her very often. They have been staying with us at the RV park while in SA. I can now say that a 2006 Keystone Cougar 301BHS can, indeed, sleep 8 comfortably. However, We survive the tight quarters by staying busy away from the camper. I am thankful when family want to come stay with us. They just get the experience of what it feels like to be a sardine in a can. Hey, life is fun. You just have to figure out how to make the best of situations that can be a bit difficult. Living in an RV can be difficult, but it has been a great adventure also.

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Again, I am so sorry for the lack of a blog post lately. Now that we are getting close to fall I will be able to update more. I have lots of crafts that I have completed that I want to write posts about. I have started sewing, which can be difficult with my limited space but I have been having fun. Also, because of the heat I have not been cooking very much. As the temps drop in south Texas My stove and oven will be cooking again. So be prepared for that. I am planning on ramping up my writing along with everything else that is going on. Prepare for lots of puppy posts. Chicka has already made her debut on Instagram and I’m sure she will show up here more, as well. Thanks for reading folks. I hope you have had a wonderful summer. I have had a busy one, but it’s still been good.

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