About Us

Launched at the start of 2017 after many attempts at finding our niche, we created Nomadic Fox.

The UK-based Nomadic Fox is a group of people who find the 9-5 working life just a little bit dull; alcohol helps, but it’s not a healthy lifestyle choice. Travelling, however, is food for the soul, so what better way to share our entertaining and sometimes challenging experiences with you lovely people!

Nomadic Fox is a place for all bloggers, photographers, vloggers, floggers (Food bloggers; see what I did there?) and creatives alike to converge to share your stories and your talents. Ultimately, we want our network to expand all over the world; a large group of people joining forces with a love of all things travel related. We want people who are planning their next trip to be able to turn to this site for help and guidance.

Now before you start chucking stuff at your screen in anger and thinking we’re trying to rip your work from you; you would fully retain the rights to anything you post on our blog. We will even link your social media pages and your blog too. You’re able to take advantage of the traffic we have painfully generated over the past year. The only thing we ask is that we can make the post look pretty for the website and can be proofread.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t be shy; we want to hear from you now so get in touch.


Jamie, Richard and Helen